: 410-474-0306

Company Retreats


Corporate Retreats are very valuable in getting employees and management to connect in different ways at new levels.  Taking people out of the windowless boardroom and putting them in a completely new environment help builds compradore and loyalty.

Want to breath some fresh thoughts and ideas into a project?  Take your people fishing but under the premise of coming up with new ideas.  If you do need to discuss business the Never E-Nuff has plenty of room in the main cabin to conduct a short meeting in a unique environment.

Bring along a lunch and beverages or ask us to set up catering for you.  Within reason we can accommodate your group with all the amenities it needs to have fun but also be productive.

Thank You

Sometimes people just need to be thanked in a special way. Do your employees deserve some appreciation?


Is your team just not communicating like it should? Provide a new experience to get people talking.

Slow Sales

Tae your Sales Staff on a fishing adventure that will revitalize them

Brain Storming

It is proven that creativity can be spurred by changing your enviornment. What better way to get the juices flowing

Big Announcement

Is there a Big Announcement that you want to communicate in a unique way? A trip on the Never E-Nuff is a great backdrop for unveilings.


Have something that needs complete secrecy? There are no bugs on our boat

Book your trip now