: 410-474-0306

Team Building

Team Building Is A Great Investment In People

When your staff needs to get fired up, or just needs a breather from the rat race of the office or job site then a Team Building event is just what the doctor ordered.

There is no better way to let your hair down or relieve some stress like taking your team fishing on the Never E-Nuff. Your staff will connect in different ways and communication and creativity tends to improve. Nothing says compradore like having a bunch of flopping fish at your feet.

A trip on the Never E-Nuff will be talked about for years to come. Treat yourself and your team to this unique type of get-a-way.

Private Charter

Whether your group is 6 or 20+ keeping them together and focused without interuptions is important. The Never E-Nuff is a private charter for only your group.

Special Reward

Taking your team out for a special event to say Thank You is very important. Rewarding people for a job well done builds their loyality.

Relax To Be Productive

Sometimes you just need to step away from your environment to fully understand the tasks at hand.

Build Your Loyalty

Loyalty from your teams is very important. Rewarding them or providing them with a break can be just what they need.


Working closely with others can cause tensions. Provide them with a new common experience can reduce the tensions.

Life Is To Short

Lets face it, we all get wrapped up in work at times ... sometimes way to much. Build some lasting memories with people you work with.

Book your trip now